What errors do you get?

"Big Mac not eaten?"

"Aliens on Mars are eating Ironflare."?

"tools.jar not installed?"

Reading the error messages is usually helpful, personally, and if you're
going to ask for others' help, telling them what the errors are is VERY

 On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Ivan Figueredo wrote:

> I downloaded orion1.3.8.zip.
> I then did: 
> -------------
> D:\orion>java -jar orion.jar -install
> Enter an admin password to use: dagw1n
> Confirm admin password: dagw1n
> Installation done
> D:\orion>java -jar orion.jar
> Orion/1.3.8 initialized
> ----------
> When I browse to, I get the "Orion Application Server 1.3.8 - Up and 
>running" page. But when I try to run some of the examples inside the JSP examples, I 
>nothing happens and I get errors.
> Sorry if this has been asked before...
> Regards,
> Ivan

Joseph B. Ottinger                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://epesh.com/                             IT Consultant

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