        What are the problems? Please give me details of them if you can!

        Have you copied the jdbc driver of Oracle ( classes1x.zip ) to
folder $orionfolder$\lib?

        Do you have DataSource?

Meo Le.

-----Original Message-----
From: Vinh Chu Xuan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 1:32 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Displaying image files stored in a database

I have the same problem with Oracle Database Server 8.1.6
Please send me some information if you have any ideal
I would very much appreciate your ideal. Thanks
Best regards,
Vinh Chu Xuan
Software R&D Department
Vietnam Data Communication Company
1E Trung Chinh - Hanoi - Vietnam

Paul Kofon wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm developing an web-based Employee Directory for my company using
> and JSPs. I've got it working all right.
> My problem is that I'd like to store the image files in a database
> (presently I'm using Hypersonic) and be able to display them as needed for
> each employee. However, I haven't been able to that. I worked aroud this
> problem by storing the images in the file system and entering a path to
> required image file as a VARCHAR in the database. Eventhough it solved my
> problem, it is undesireable because I'd have to manually delete each image
> file that's no longer required instead of simply deleting a row in the
> database.
> I successfully stored each file as a Java object (in this case "File") but
> just couldn't think of a way to display it on a web page. I'm sure this is
> piece of cake for most of you out there but I just can't figure it out.
> he.....lp would do. Thanks.
> Regards,
> Paul
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