Title: RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder a nd n ot web-app root?
I am using Saxon 6.2 now. I believe the problem is that Orion picks up Xalan in its dir before the WEB-INF/lib saxon.jar, so I "renamed" the xalan.jar. I haven't tested if this works, but I assume by using Saxon 6.2, it uses the web-app local root?
Also, Orion is shipping with the older xerces.jar which doesn't have the TrAX api in it as well (unless the latest versions have the new xerces.jar..not sure, I am still using 1.3.8). Therefore I put xerces.jar and saxon.jar in my web-inf/lib dir.
-----Original Message-----
From: Victor A. Salaman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 6:48 AM
To: 'Orion-Interest'
Cc: Duffey, Kevin
Subject: RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder a nd n ot web-app root?

Saxon 6.2
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodrigo B. de Oliveira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 6:54 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Cc: Duffey, Kevin
Subject: RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder a nd n ot web-app root?

And out of curiosity, which XSLT processor are u using then?


-----Original Message-----
From: Victor A. Salaman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 2:47 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Cc: Duffey, Kevin
Subject: RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder
a nd n ot web-app root?

Orion should just replace Xalan for Saxon anyways... and use TraX instead of
a propietary interface to Xalan... Xalan is Apache's excuse for having a
XSLT processors, besides being one of the slowest in the crowd...

-- Victor

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Endres [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 1:07 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Cc: Duffey, Kevin
Subject: Re: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder
and n ot web-app root?

If you read the xalan source, you will see that this is a problem with
The method that determines the location of the included file is written to
file-system and URL based. If has no concept of calling a method like
"getRealPath()" to get a path relative to your webapp. The code is a mess.

The xalan folks should rewrite this complicated code to simply call an
interface that the programmer provides. Then your interface would be called
to locate a file, allowing you to apply the getRealPath() method that you
really want it to use. I am not sure if Xalan II addresses this or not.

The only way Orion could fix this is to patch the xalan code, which I think
would be a very bad idea.

The way that we solved the problem was to pre-compile the xsl pages in place
in our development tree, which presented XSL with a simple file-system to
locate included files. We then load the compiled pages for XSLT processing.
This also speeded up processing times.


> Hi,
> When I use the <xsl:include..> directive, it appears to look in server
> dir, and not the web-app root its deployed in. I am not quite sure if this
> is something to do with Orion, or if all servers operate in this manner
> therefore its an error of the XSLT technology. Or..perhaps its an error of
> the saxon library I am working with. Just wondering if anyone working with
> Orion and XSL have seen this problem or not?
> Thanks.

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