> Ok..I got some good news and bad news in my dilema. Using the
> setSystemId(getServletContext().getRealPath(XSLFilename)); has indeed
> the right path when trying to access the xsl. However, for some unknown
> reason I am STILL seeing it say:
> Error at xsl:include on line 5 of
> file:/C:/orion/C:/app/www/inside/ob/search.xsl:
> C:\orion\C:\app\www\inside\ob\include.xsl (The filename, directory name,
> volume label syntax is incorrect)
> Exception while trying to transform document. MESSAGE = Failed to compile
> stylesheet. 1 error detected.

looks like Xalan does not like the Windows-style path. Try turning this into
a valid URL (file://), possibly by using the URL class

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