Wow!  My guess is: the "Bureau of Bureaucracy", which has the primary task
of creating unnecessary complexity.

I don't see any figures for WebLogic, but I guess that it, too, is on the
larger end.  WebLogic offers some failover and redundancy features for EJBs
that Orion and the smaller products may not.  

For example, if you're going to ensure that the state of a stateful session
bean with redundant instances on different servers is replicated among the
instances, then there needs to be some fancy, shmancy code.  (Consider the
following in the Orion Clustering Guide: "Note however, that if the EJBs
are located on a server that goes down, the references might become
invalid").  I'd like to see better high availability with Orion and I'd bet
that the folks at Orion could figure a simple, elegant way that doesn't
require a GiG of memory.

Jay Armstrong

At 08:06 AM 2/16/01 -0600, you wrote:
>Here is a mystery I need help with.  If all JSP engines and EJB servers
are approximately equal, then what explains the size differences in the
following examples?
>Latest production Orion - 10 MG
>Latest production Resin - 12.8 MG
>Latest productions Jboss/Tomcat - 23.3 Mg
>Latest production Unify Ewave Engine - 18.1 MG
>Latest production Iplanet 6.1 - Approximately 1 Gig
>Latest Productions Oracle 9I AS - Approximately 1 Gig
>  In a past commercial for Motel 6, they talk about not having any
perfumed bubble bath beads, like the higher priced hotels.  So I ask these
questions.  What could possible take up 1 gig, when all JSP engines and EJB
servers are supposed to have similar or identical functionality?  Out of
curiosity, how much space does Weblogic take up? Where are the perfumed
bubble bath beads in the 1 gig space? 

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