And I heard that IBM doesn't provide support for WebsPhear if your box doesn't
have at *least* 1 GB of internal memory (!) Can anyone confirm that ? And if
so, what would they need 1 GB for ? Static caches or so I guess. *BIG* static

(Not that I wouldn't like to have a good reason to upgrade my workstation from
the lousy 384 MB it's having now ;-P )


Kemp Randy-W18971 wrote:
> Here is a mystery I need help with.  If all JSP engines and EJB servers are 
>approximately equal, then what explains the size differences in the following 
> Latest production Orion - 10 MG
> Latest production Resin - 12.8 MG
> Latest productions Jboss/Tomcat - 23.3 Mg
> Latest production Unify Ewave Engine - 18.1 MG
> Latest production Iplanet 6.1 - Approximately 1 Gig
> Latest Productions Oracle 9I AS - Approximately 1 Gig
>   In a past commercial for Motel 6, they talk about not having any perfumed bubble 
>bath beads, like the higher priced hotels.  So I ask these questions.  What could 
>possible take up 1 gig, when all JSP engines and EJB servers are supposed to have 
>similar or identical functionality?  Out of curiosity, how much space does Weblogic 
>take up? Where are the perfumed bubble bath beads in the 1 gig space? 

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