I'm requesting  help with an orion deployment problem that i have been 
trying to solve for a while.

I have two applications running in orion 1.4.5, (i) Soap which consists 
of a number of servlets and (ii) Serene which has a number of ejbs.
I want the Soap application to be able to lookup ejbs in the Serene 

So i have put an ejb-ref in the web.xml file for the Soap application 



and then an ejb-ref-mapping in the orion-web.xml 

  <ejb-ref-mapping name="ejb/ClientInterface" 
location="ormi://waits/serene/serene.ejb.ClientInterface" />


and this is the error i get when trying to do the lookup ------

Exception caught: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: 
ormi://waits/serene/serene.ejb.ClientInterface not found


I think the problem is just specifying the right JNDI location to the 
orion ormi server
I have tried many combinations of ormi path but can't find the right one.

any help would be much appreciated.


colin harris..

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