Just a comment on Tomcat.  I agree that Orion is a great product, and Tomcat has a funky protocol arrangement with Apache, but that will get better.  Right now, Tomcat is integrated with Jboss, and there is talk of putting Apache into the equation.  Openejb is also stated to be integrated with Apache and Tomcat.  Resin is great for integration with Apache and Resin EJB will become part of that equation.  If had a wish list, I like to see the potential to integrate Orion with Apache (through Orion software). 
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Pridham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 7:41 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: I switch from X to Orion because:

I switched because:
1.  Bluestone's Total-e-Server will cost you over $100,000.00.  And that is an iteration based license.  After so many app server iterations (oh yeah, they don't tell you what an iteration is...), it's time to buy more iterations (HP now owns this company).
2.  Tomcat does not support EJB, even if it did, getting Tomcat & Apache working together is sometimes a hair-pulling experience.
3.  All of the horror stories from developers claiming that iPlanet is VERY buggy.
4.  Because Websphere / Weblogic is too expensive for some customers.
5.  Because Unify is rumored to be on unstable financial ground (even though eWave is only $595/cpu).
6.  Because Orion was easy to install, easy to deploy, and easy to maintain.  Granted that we DO NOT use entity beans.  We only use stateless session beans.  EJB is still too immature to be using entity beans, if you don't believe me, look at the majority of the posts on this mailing list.  They mostly deal with entity bean problems!!
That's my personal opinion............please be gentle with the entity-flame-emails :)
Tom Pridham
-----Original Message-----
From: Vaskin Kissoyan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 2:05 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: I switch from X to Orion because:

Please fill in the blank as you see fit.

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