And let's not forget how J2EE 1.3beta3 is packaged...TomCat 3.2.1!!!

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Victor A.
> Salaman
> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 2:20 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: I switch from X to Orion because:
> Tomcat does not support EJB... the original author of the message meant
> Tomcat & JBoss... And that integration is pure hell... Of course, you can
> download the already integrated version, but you'd be getting an old JBoss
> and an old Tomcat...
> The main problem with Tomcat and JBoss is also their virtue. Since
> everything is so modular, it also means that there are a lot of
> components,
> some of which have conflicts among eath other.... Among other
> things, JBoss
> is not compliant to any spec, as simple things like
> java:/comp/env namespace
> are plainly not supported by their jndi impl, cmp (jaws) support is very
> poor and does not really scale well to more than a couple kids playing
> "deploy" on 3 machines...
> JBoss also has many problems deploying j2ee "ear" (Enterprise
> Archives) ...
> Although Orion is small, it's self-contained and requires very little work
> to get everything running.
> <flame-warning>
> I respect the authors of JBoss as they have done a great job, but
> you really
> can't compare... it's a orange vs. apples comparison.
> As for Tomcat, it gives a bad name to server-java altogether...
> and as for Apache Server, well, what can I say, a simple "java" appserver
> such as Orion beats its performance by leaps...
> Most of the ASF is trying to stay compatible with dead things (jdk 1.1),
> which makes their software suffer a great deal. For example, they dislike
> the use of the Collections API, try to solve everyone's problems for
> everyone, and in the way bloat their products unnecessarily... And
> repeatedly "break" the rules... (How crazy is it creating threads
> inside the
> web container [Cocoon2] when the specs specifically say that it should not
> be done) ...
> An example of this is Jakarta-Struts... Sure it's great... but
> why then did
> Rickard Oberg (one of the technical leads in JBoss) create WebWork? ...
> Struts is just too damned bloated... same happens with most of Apache's
> offerings. It's rather sad, as most of those problems could easily be
> solved...
> Sometimes people on the list say things like "I can't get Cocoon to work
> under Orion", "I can't get XXX Apache product to work under Orion"... well
> now you know why :) haha ... Most of these problems are classloader issues
> which would break anyways, but since Tomcat has an arcane single
> classloader
> architecture, they'd never notice...
> </flame-warning>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian Sell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 3:01 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Re: I switch from X to Orion because:
> > 2.  Tomcat does not support EJB, even if it did, getting Tomcat & Apache
> > working together is sometimes a hair-pulling experience.
> now what exactly was your problem there? I just installed tomcat under
> apache on my new Linux box, and had no problems at all - just followed the
> instructions. And deploying an app is not more than copying the .war into
> the webapps directory...

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