
I am using Sun's jvm and I have tested both versions 1.2.2_007 and 1.3.0_2
with the same results.


on 4/1/01 8:39 PM, Matthew R Bauer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> is the nt box patched up to the latest level?  Maybe windows has a tcp/ip
> stack problem? just a guess.  Also what kvm are you using?
> mattba
> On Sun, 1 Apr 2001, Huibert Aalbers Indaberea wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I have developed an application using Orion and a weird problem has appeared
>> that threatens the whole project.
>> My application makes heavy use of custom tags (about 300 of them) which are
>> used to separate the presentation from the application logic.
>> The application was working fine until we started beta testing it and Orion
>> stared to crash randomly without evend sending an error message (on Windows
>> NT and 2000 Professional with both Orion 1.4.5 and 1.4.7).
>> By trial and error we finally narrowed the problem to the fact that if a
>> user interrupted the page download by either pushing STOP on his browser or
>> BACK it would cause the crash. In fact, this also caused the problem I had
>> with a servlet that generated an Image dinamically.
>> Therefore, here is my question. Is there something special I should include
>> in my code to trap this situation or is this an Orion bug? Is this related
>> to the fact that I am using custom tags? These tahs do not write any HTML to
>> the output stream, they just set page attributes.
>> I am really puzzled by this problem and could really use some help to solve
>> it. Thanks in advance.
>> Huibert Aalbers

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