Title: SV: [hsqldb-ANNOUNCE]New HypersonicSQL Project and Upcoming Release

Yes! Its still alive! :)
Great :)

> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Från: Michael J. Cannon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Skickat: den 1 april 2001 15:50
> Till: Orion-Interest
> Ämne: [hsqldb-ANNOUNCE]New HypersonicSQL Project and Upcoming Release
> We have revived Thomas Mueller's HypersonicSQL Database Project
> (HypersonicSQL/hsql at SourceForge: URL:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/hsql), last release hsql
> v.1.43 (available
> at http://ftp1.sourceforge.net/hsqldb/hsql_143.zip) as the
> hsqldb Database
> Engine Project on SourceForge (hsqldb Database Engine Project at
> SourceForge:  URL:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/hsqldb , Home Page (for now):  URL:
> http://hsqldb.sourceforge.net) with the following goals:
> 1.)  to maintain and keep current the history of Thomas
> Mueller's landmark
> BSD-licensed project.  To this end, the license will continue
> BSD-style,
> rather than GPL or other OSI-compatible license.  In plain
> English, we aim
> to be the most free and open database product currently on
> the market and
> will continue the project both 'free-graits' and 'free-libre' with no
> licensing required, other than as stated in the preceding
> works (check the
> source for the license/copyright and we should have it up on
> the web by the
> time many of you read this.)
> 2.)  to archive the project's history to include all
> available patches and
> bugfixes in the source and documentation prior to the inception of the
> current Project, hsqldb.  To this end, we will seek to
> maintain in cvs a
> 1.43 trunk of the code, to be included in all subsequent
> releases.  Once we
> are reasonably sure we have the history as well encapsulated
> as we can, we
> will consign this trunk to the 'Attic' in cvs for historical
> or possible
> rejuvenation, should the need arise.
> 3.  to deliver, in as much as is possible, in step with Sun
> Microsystems
> (TM) and its Java(TM) product and the JCP, reliable,
> production-ready code
> for use by the wider community, maintaining the 'free-gratis' and
> 'free-libre' status of the code under the BSD-style license
> mentioned above.
> To that end, we will initiate two additional branches in the
> cvs source
> tree:  1.7 (for J2EE(TM), J2ME(TM), and attendant technology
> and platform
> compatibility issues;  leading towards hsqldb v.2.x sometime
> in July of this
> year) and 1.9 (for Java(TM) v.1.4+, JDBC(TM) 3+ and
> subsequent technology
> issues;  leading to hsqldb v.3.x;  release date as yet unspecified).
> To further the above goals, we have released a Release
> Candidate of hsqldb
> v.1.60, available by anonymous FTP at
> ftp://hsqldb.sourceforge.net/pub/hsqldb/ .  Please feel free
> to download and
> examine this code, submit Featur Requests, and comment on any
> Bugfixes,
> Patches, etc. at the Project Summary Page on SourceForge
> (http://sourceforge.net/projects/hsqldb).
> Please be aware that v.1.6 is to be a Developers' Release
> only, meant to
> incorporate existing patches and bugfixes, as well as some
> minimal added
> functionality.  It will not include the extensive
> documentation and examples
> you may be used to due to Development Team time constraints
> and our efforts
> in archival and inclusion of previous work, as yet unarchived.  That
> additional functionality will be included in v.1.62, to be
> released within a
> month of v.1.60.
> Tentative Final Release of the new Project (hsqldb v.1.60) is
> scheduled for
> Thursday, April 5th, 2001, pending approval of the Core
> Development Team.
> Contact with the Development Team can be made through the
> Project Manager at
> the link below.  We (the Development Team) are in something
> of a state of
> flux, while we organize, so please pardon our dust. 
> Corporate users of
> HypersonicSQL and others with questions about licensing may
> direct those
> questions to the Project Manager at the link below.
> Michael J. Cannon
> Project Manager
> hsqldb.org
> Copyright and Trademark Notice:  Java(TM) and all derivative works are
> copyright and trademarks of Sun Microsystems.  Details may be
> found at their
> website.  All others, are copyright and trademarks of thir respective
> holders.

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