I am experiencing strange behaviour of Orion 1.4.5 running on PC Solaris
with jdk1.3.

I do not get expected results when calling request.getParameter() on a
jsp page. If I submit certain characters like "ä" for example (ie
then request.getParameter() returns character with a code 65533.

The same jsp page works with following configurations:
Orion1.4.5, Win2000, jdk 1.3
Tomcat3.2.1, the very same Solaris, jdk 1.3
Tomcat3.2.1, Win2000, jdk 1.3

---- Start of jsp page ----------------------------


text="<%= request.getParameter( "text" ) %>"

<input type="text" name="text">
<input type="submit">


---- End of jsp page ------------------------------

Please, I could really use your help to solve this. If I cannot get
working under Solaris I will have to change application server ASAP.
Any thoughts are welcome.

with best regards,

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