I haven't tried running the web component out of a servlet container other than Orion yet. The experiments I have run suggest that Orion maintains a RMI-Context containing the namespaces for ejb, jdbc, jms, .... First I would try naming your ejb something like ejb/whip/find/memberfinder and reference it the same way in your web component. If this works, then you might try using the <ejb-link> tag on the web side to map a web component name like ejb/my_find to your ejb in question. I would be interested in knowing how this works out.



At 17:36 5/2/2001 +0200, you wrote:
Hi everybody,
I am trying to disconnect my webserver from my ejb server. Up to now, I have only worked with Orion as web + ejb server.
I decided 2 days ago to experiment the separation of both servers.
In order to carry out this experiment, I first tried to access my ejb (still sitting on the orion Ejb server) from an simple client application.
This works fine.
I have just to set these following properties :
where demo corresponds to demo.ear ...
So, I tried to do the same from a jsp client sitting on Tomcat. I launched my tomcat webserver with the same previous system properties.
In my jsp (the code is similar to the one I put in my simple client application), I am creating as usual my initial context and I am doing my lookup
to get my ejb home ...
Context iContext = new InitialContext(env);
Object object = iContext.lookup( "java:comp/env/whip/ejb/find/memberfinder" );
where I do this, I get the following exception :
javax.naming.NamingException: java:comp/env namespace is only available from within a J2EE component
It seems to be a fair error because in the J2EE spec, it is written that the beans mapped to the java:comp/env cannot be accessed from outside
a container.
So how can I accessed them from my client application ...!?!?
If I change the code like this:
Context iContext = new InitialContext(env);
Object object = iContext.lookup( "whip/ejb/find/memberfinder" );
I get the following error :
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: whip/ejb/find/memberfinder not found
So my question is obvious : HOW COULD I GET ACCESS TO MY BEANS ??? With which jndi names ???
Has anyone a clue about this problem.
Thanx a lot for your advises.
Best Regards
Jean-Guillaume LALANNE

Earl Marwil
1690 International Way
Idaho Falls, ID 83402

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