On Tue, May 22, 2001, Eddie wrote:
> I just updated to 1.5.0 as well, and everytime I start Orion it complains
> about a wrapper that I can't find anymore on my machine
> How do I solve this ?? (I compiled all the source again, and it doesn't give
> me any errors !!).
> BTW: when I start version 1.4.7 again, I don't have any problems ??!!! :(
> The error:
> -----------
> [orion@ojo Orion]# java -jar orion.jar
> Auto-deploying /home/development/lib/java/jars/csd.jar (New server version
> detected)...
> Found 5 semantic errors compiling "Operator_EntityBeanWrapper0.java":
>    275. catch(java.sql.SQLException e)
>               <--------------------->
> *** Error: This catch block may be unreachable because there is no exception
> whose type is assignable to "java/sql/SQLException" that can be thrown
> during execution of the body of the try block.

Get 1.5.1. It fixed this problem, for me.
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