Hi site.zip has the source and if you just replace the old LoginWeb.war file
with the new one it should work.

Now there's the login page that sends the form to LoginResultPage.jsp, which
calls LoginWebBean that then calls the EJB.
The servlet is still there. All you need to call the servlet is change the
action in the form tag of the LoginPage.jsp.
I generally like using jsp with web beans instead of servlets because you
get a clearer separation of logic and display.

The answer to your question is on line 26 of LoginWebBean and 29 in the
servlet.  It sets the URL for the InitalContext to search, you could change
the URL to any computer that's hosting Orion.
If you look in the server.xml the line; <application name="LoginEJB"
It binds the application to the name LoginEJB, that's why the URL in the
InitalContext is ormi://localhost/LoginEJB.  It's computer address and the
application on it.
I called System.setProperty () to set the properties, but you really should
use Property file instead.

I hope that clears the problem!  Let me know.



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