If you don't care what the size, features, and location of the second
browser are, you can just set the target attribute in the href for page B to
be "_blank". If you want to control the appearance of the new window, you
can use the javascript function:
    window.open(URL, windowName[, windowFeatures])

This will allow you to control the size, position, and features of the new
browser you spawn. There are samples on the devguru site. This is not jsp
specific, of course, since it's just client side javascript.

A quick sample to open pageb.jsp in the same dir as pagea.jsp might be:

<script language="JavaScript">
function openNewWin() {
 window.open('pageb.jsp', 'newWin', 'height=200,width=300,resizable=yes');
 return false;
<a href="#" onClick="return openNewWin()">TEST</a>

This opens pageb.jsp in a resizable window named newWin, with the size

Hope this helps,
Matt Pangaro
Loki Technologies

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kemp Randy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 5:14 PM
Subject: JSP page in another window

> If I have JSP page A and I want to open up JSP page B
> in a seperate and smaller window, while keeping JSP
> page A, is there a way to do this?  I know it can be
> done with JavaScript.

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