yes, but theoretically, EJBs aren't supposed to interact with the real
world, i.e. they're not supposed to manipulate files, open sockets, or do
anything useful unless it's through the container's services.

you're choices are:
1. do what you said, i.e. open a socket. it would be against the spec but
who cares if it works right?
2. if everyone's on the same network, look at using JMS, and then getting
your client to put a message in the JMS
3. open the socket from a servlet, not a bean, which is sort of the same as
option 1 but within the EJB spec.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Karri Niemelä" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 3:03 AM
Subject: Question about port listener

> Question 1) Is it possible to build an bean, which is some sort of tcp
> listener?
> Idea is to listen for traffic on port and then fire an even/send a msg to
> queue if something is received
> Question 2) What if we have an 3rd party java api to connect some server
> using rmi
> (for an example an api which builds up an connection to short message
> center)
> Would it be possible to create an bean which builds up this connection(and
> does this only once),
> keeps it up and listens for method calls from clients and then sends them
> away

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