In the orion-ejb-jar.xml file for your entity bean, there's a flag you
can set to tell the container that other processes (another bean, or a
human through a management tool like sqlplus) have access and can update
the database without that bean's knowledge. In the
<entity-deployment...> tag, set exclusive-write-access to false (it
defaults to true, and therefore caches your database, hence your error).


jacker54 wrote:

> I have encounter such problem.     I am converting my product from
> weblogic to orion platform.     my project do some database update
> operation through both entity-bean and weblogic, there
> is no problem.     but at orion platform. I found entity-bean has old
> data.for examples:step (1) entity-bean update data to "1111"step (2)
> session-bean update same data to "2222"step (3) I use entity-bean find
> method. and get information. I hope to get "2222", not "1111"but in
> fact I got "1111"     I know we had better not use session-bean to
> update database at this case.but we have so many such case in our
> product.     Any solution to tell entity-bean to get newest info from
> database. Maybe weblogic do it like this. Any help will be
> appreciated.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>       jack zhang
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jeff Hubbach
Internet Developer
New Media Designs, Inc.

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