
I've got a problem deploying my EAR file on ORION.
I packed my two EJBs together with a WAR file into the EAR file. The two
EJBs share references to classes in a library jar.
As far as I understand the packaging of EARs I can create a 'lib' subfolder
in the EAR and add Class-Path entries in the Manifest files of the EJBs.

The EAR deploys well on JBoss, but not on ORION.

This is my structure in the EAR:

|- bsebos.jar
|- som.jar
|- ie.war
|- appclient.jar (just including an xml descriptor to expose the two beans
in JNDI)
|- lib
    |- ois.jar
    |- bo.jar
    |- sales.jar
    |- application.xml

The Manifest file of the bsebos.jar for example looks as follows:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.3.0 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Class-Path: ../lib/ois.jar ../lib/bo.jar ../lib/sales.jar

I did not create Orion-specific descriptors. I think they will be generated
automatically on deployment if not existing, aren't they?
Does anybody had the same problem or knows what I have to do?

I somehow got it to work a few days ago, somehow, but I don't know what to
do to get it working again. I changed my build scripts a bit and built a new
EAR file and it just won't deploy. I always get this error:
Auto-unpacking C:\orion\applications\ie.ear... done.
Auto-unpacking C:\orion\applications\ie\ie.war... done.
Auto-deploying IE3.6 (New server version detected)...
Error in application IE3.6: Error loading package at
file:/C:/orion/applications/ie/som.jar, Error loading class
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: impress/ois/bo/ejb/CEManagerEJB
Error in application IE3.6: Error loading package at
file:/C:/orion/applications/ie/bsebos.jar, Error loading class
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: impress/ois/base/session/ISession
Installed IE3.6...

These classes are packed in the jars located in the lib directory in the EAR
file and are specified to be included in the classpath in the Manifest files
of the EJBs.
So theoretically, it should work, but it doesn't. They aren't deployed

Additionally, something's not ok with the applicatin client jar, too. As
said already, I got it to work a few days ago. Then, upon deployment, ORION
changed my appclient.jar and added an xml descriptor and a jndi.properties
to this jar. This also doesn't happen anymore.

So, I'm currently quite confused and appreciate any help.


Marc Eilens
Research & Development



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