Hi Geoff

Loading of beans have these stages:
1. calling ejbFindBy... to get the primKeys of the entities;
2. checking if entities with such keys are already pooled;
3. for every key checking: if not pooled - call ejbLoad, else - get instance
from pool;

As you see, ejbFindBy... are called always independently of entity
is pooled or not.

Thursday, January 10, 2002, 2:01:37 AM, you wrote:

GS> Hi there,

GS> I'm teaching myself how to use Orion and I've got a simple question
GS> about caching/pooling of BMP Entity Bean instances.

GS> I've created a simple app which lets me read a BMP Entity Bean through a
GS> Session Bean. I would expect that when I call findByPrimaryKey on my
GS> Entity Bean's home interface, Orion caches the instance it creates so
GS> that next time I call findByPrimaryKey for the same key, it just returns
GS> the instance it already has rather than creating a new one. However, it
GS> appears that it goes to the database (i.e. calls ejbFindByPrimaryKey in
GS> the Entity Bean's implementation) for every call to findByPrimaryKey,
GS> regardless of whether it has previously read the instance with the
GS> specified key before.

GS> I checked the list archive and it appears that someone has reported a
GS> similar problem a while back but there were no replies
GS> (http://www.mail-archive.com/orion-interest@orionserver.com/msg17359.htm
GS> l).

GS> I also checked the documentation and for orion-ejb-jar.xml it states
GS> that exclusive-write-access is true by default, and since I am not
GS> setting it I presume it's defaulting to true which should allow Orion to
GS> cache the entity beans.

GS> So, can anyone shed any light on how whether/how I can get Orion to
GS> cache BMP entity beans?

GS> Cheers

GS> Geoff

Sergey G. Aslanov,
CBOSS Group,
Web-technologies department
tel: +7 095 7555655

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