You closed the Statement object before you closed the
ResultSet object.  Check your code and make sure that
you closed the ResultSet object first before closing
the Statement.  This is usually found in the finally
clause of your JDBC code.

--- JoseMa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>     I've a Orion server with Oracle datasources
> configured I've put the jdbc debug and in error file
> I look the next message :
> AT: ***
> java.lang.Exception
>         at com.evermind._bt.close(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind._wq.close(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind._bt.close(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind._wq.close(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind._bt.close(Unknown Source)
>     In server-out I look the next message:
> new DebugConnection(1)
> Created new physical connection: XA XA Orion Pooled
> jdbc:oracle:thin:<machine>:<port>
> new DebugConnection(2)
> new DebugConnection(3)
> Created new physical connection: Pooled [Connection
> 3: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@<id>]
> new DebugConnection(4)
> new DebugPreparedStatement(1)
> new DebugPreparedStatement(2)
> new DebugPreparedStatement(3)
> new DebugPreparedStatement(4)
> new DebugResultSet()
> new DebugResultSet()
> new DebugResultSet()
> new DebugResultSet()
> closing DebugPreparedStatement(1)
> closing DebugPreparedStatement(2)
> closing DebugPreparedStatement(3)
> closing DebugPreparedStatement(4)
> Pooled jdbc:oracle:thin:@<machine>:<port> Releasing
> connection Pooled [Connection 3:
> oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@<id> to pool
> (Pool size: 1)
> closing DebugConnection(4)
> null: Releasing connection XA XA Orion Pooled
> jdbc:oracle:thin:<machine>:<port>: to pool (Pool
> size: 1)
> closing DebugConnection(2)
> closing DebugConnection(1)
> closing DebugConnection(3)
>     What does it mean? Could you help me? 
>     Thank,

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