I have a similar problem but with a simple applet
connecting to the JMS Server using ORMI-HTTP tunneling
when a firewall and a proxyserver are used the client
application times out when it calls start on
topicConnection. Any ideas why is this happening?

--- "Frederick,Frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Has anyone had any luck accessing EJBs using
> ORMI-HTTP tunneling when a
> firewall and a proxy server are being used?  I've
> tried setting the system
> properties for proxySet, proxyHost, and proxyPort
> with no luck.  After a
> long period of time, the client application exits
> with the following
> exception:
> javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error:
> java.io.IOException: Did not
> receive valid HTTP headers; nested exception is: 
>         java.io.IOException: Did not receive valid
> HTTP headers
>         at
> com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(JAX)
>         at
>         at
> test
> ngClient.java:174)
>         at
> We are using Orion version 1.4.5.  Any
> ideas/suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Frank
> ====================
> Frank Frederick
> Software Engineer/Architect
> Platts - A Division of McGraw-Hill
> www.Platts.com
> 720-548-5656

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