I have a strange problem which I can't find a solution to. I am running a system with a two message-driven beans and a couple of entity beans. They are all listening to (and able to publish messages to) the same Topic. One of the entity beans contains a Timer with a couple of TimerTasks that publish messages to the topic that tells to mdb:s to do different things. I also have a jsp that refreshes itself every couple of minutes. When the system has been up and running for a while I suddenly get a very strange error. When the self-refreshing jsp-page (or load any other jsp-page connected to the system) is loaded I get "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Transaction expired (Committed)" and a reference to the line in the jsp where I try to connect to the Home interface and run the create(), findByPrimaryKey() or findAll() methods. Does anybody know why this happens and have a sollution?
I log all the messages sent to the topic, and the timer-bean keeps sending messages after the error occurs...


Magnus Hoem

Phone: +46-8-343206
Cell: +46-733-343206

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