Yes, sounds like Orion isn't closing the Statements and ResultSets that it
uses for CMP, instead it is just closing the Connection. If that is the
case, either an update in the Oracle JDBC driver or an update with Orion
would fix the bug. Let's hope one of the two comes out soon, because how it
is now is very bad.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Hubbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: What is a Dirty Connection (using -Djdbc.debug=true)

> Patrick,
> It helped in that noone else responded, and it points to the fact that
something, either a statement or result set, isn't getting closed (if
container-managed connections are dealt with the same as user-managed
connections, which I'm assuming is true).
> I agree with you that he's talking about BMP, but the underlying
connection stuff should be the same (except for the fact that the container
is handling it instead of us, in which case you'd think it would be sure to
close everything, but it doesn't look like it is).
> Some suggestions have been to move from CMP to BMP, but in my opinion
that's taking a step backwards. It sounds like there's a problem in the
container's handling of connections, but we have yet to hear anything from
anyone with any code-level knowledge of Orion. Magnus, is this an issue? and
if so, is it going to be fixed in Orion 1.5.4, and if so, when will we see
> Jeff.
> On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 11:28:18 -0800
> "Patrick Lightbody" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't see how this helps with your question at all. You were asking
> > CMP, and he is talking about BMP. I too have the problems you are
> > encoutering with CMP and stale connections being left over. I'd love to
> > of solutions to this problem.
> >
> > -Pat
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Jeff Hubbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:25 AM
> > Subject: Fw: What is a Dirty Connection (using -Djdbc.debug=true)
> >
> >
> > > I'm forwarding this on to the list as it was very helpful with regard
> > my question, just incase anyone else has the same questions. Thanks,
> > >
> > > Jeff.
> > >
> > > Begin forwarded message:
> > >
> > > Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 08:50:25 +0200
> > > From: Avi Abrami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Subject: What is a Dirty Connection (using -Djdbc.debug=true)
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi Jeff,
> > > I'm not subscribed to the Orion-Interest mailing list,
> > > but I monitor it through the OrionServer website. I
> > > hope you don't mind that I am answering you via a direct
> > > eMail.
> > >
> > > This is what I know about "dirty connections".
> > > (Note that you may already know some of what I am about
> > > to tell you, I hope that's OK with you.)
> > >
> > > Orion "wraps" the JDBC driver classes. It seems to me,
> > > from debug messages displayed by the server, (but I haven't
> > > verified this yet) that Orion uses different wrapper
> > > classes depending on whether the server is running in
> > > debug mode or regular mode. I have had my application
> > > crash when running in debug mode, but work properly when
> > > working in regular (as in non-debug) mode.
> > >
> > > As far as I can ascertain, a "dirty connection" is one
> > > that has an associated "open" Statement or ResultSet or
> > > PreparedStatement, etc. object. I have found that the
> > > only way to properly "close" a Connection is to first
> > > close the ResultSet object, then the Statement object
> > > and finally the Connection object. Note that I am only
> > > working with the Oracle JDBC driver that comes with
> > > OC4J (and my version is -- on SUN Solaris 2.7)
> > >
> > > Further, the following methods from the JDBC API do not
> > > work correctly (when using Orion's JDBC wrapper classes):
> > >
> > > ResultSet.getStatement()
> > >
> > > Statement.getConnection()
> > >
> > > These methods execute normally -- they don't throw
> > > exceptions at runtime and they compile without an problems.
> > > However, it seems like they do nothing!
> > >
> > > Basically a "dirty connection" means you have database
> > > resources (like Statement objects or ResultSet objects)
> > > still lying around -- which need to be disposed of (or
> > > "closed"). This is sort of like a memory leak, because
> > > eventually the Oracle database will exhaust all its
> > > resources and throw SQLExceptions in your application.
> > >
> > > The only way I found to properly "close" these database
> > > resource associated objects (Connection, Statement,
> > > ResultSet, etc) was to hold on to the references after
> > > I created the objects and only use those references to
> > > "close" those objects. So if, for example, you open a
> > > Connection in one method and that method returns a
> > > ResultSet to a calling method, the calling method will
> > > not be able to close the Connection unless you also
> > > pass a reference to the Connection to the calling method.
> > >
> > > Also note, that the Oracle JDBC driver also does not
> > > correctly implement the Connection.close() method.
> > > According to the API documentation, closing a Connection
> > > is supposed to also close any associated Statements,
> > > ResultSets, etc. However, the Oracle JDBC driver does
> > > not. You need to explicitly close the ResultSet, then
> > > the Statement, then the Connection.
> > >
> > > So in summary, I will answer your questions individually
> > > now with a short answer, below:
> > >
> > > Q:What is a Dirty Connection (when using -Djdbc.debug=true)?
> > > A:A connection with unclosed resources lying around.
> > >
> > > Q:What causes it?
> > > A:Not explicitly closing the resources.
> > >
> > > Q:What repercussions does it have?
> > > A:It can crash the database server.
> > >
> > > Q:Is a Dirty Connection a bad thing?
> > > A:Yes.
> > >
> > > Q:What can we do to avoid it (if anything)?
> > > A:Explicitly close all resources -- ResultSets,
> > > Statements, etc.
> > >
> > > Q:Are there any settings that control when and if
> > > they are cleaned up?
> > > A:If you are using pooled connections, perhaps the
> > > "inactivity-timeout" attribute in the "data-sources.xml"
> > > file can help -- I don't know for sure.
> > >
> > > Q:Are they cleaned up at all?
> > > A:As far as I can tell, no.
> > >
> > > A very long post -- I hope you don't mind, and I hope
> > > it can help you.
> > >
> > > Good Luck,
> > > Avi.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Jeff Hubbach
> > > Internet Developer
> > > Sun Certified Web Component Developer
> > > New Media Division
> > > ITQ Lata, L.L.C.
> > > 303-745-4763 x3114
> >
> >
> --
> Jeff Hubbach
> Internet Developer
> Sun Certified Web Component Developer
> New Media Division
> ITQ Lata, L.L.C.
> 303-745-4763 x3114

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