Hi Andrew,

I would not recommend trying to make an orthographic view behave like
a perspective view, it simple doesn't work (this is not an OSG issue,
but the basic principles involved.)  I've written about this before so
I won't waste my key presses have a look through the archives.

The upshot is I would suggest keeping orthographic views for fixed
maps/side/front views, or very constrained user interaction models.
If you try to make a orthographic behave like a perspective you'll
just waste lots of time.


On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Andrew Thompson<andyb1...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am using a custom CameraManipulator class (inheriting 
> osgGA::MatrixManipulator) which is added to my scene after the OpenSceneGraph 
> is initialised
> The CameraManipulator has two member variables I've added, a Vec3d target and 
> position. These are used to create a projection matrix by calling 
> Matrix::makeLookAt. As the events are handled by the manipulator, I am 
> updating the position/target and recomputing the matrix, then on Frame I am 
> returning the constructed matrix.
> This provides a great perspective view, however I cannot work out how to 
> construct an orthogonal projection using a target/position.
> In addition, I'd like to be able to change the Field Of View when I create 
> the matrix.
> I realise there is a Matrix::makeOrtho and Matrix::makePerspective, however 
> I'm not sure how to use these with my CameraLocation/Target variables.
> Could anyone offer me some advice?
> Thank you!
> Andrew
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=15659#15659
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