>>>>b) To get a notificatian to an non-ticket-owner-account, if the ticket 
>>>>is unlocked by time-out?
>>>The same. Possible but not implemented. 
>>>-=> "Easy" to implement (Kernel/System/Ticket/Lock.pm -> SetLock())
>>>    I put it to the todo-list (misc) - or somebody else implement it 
>>>    earlier.
>>For that one i made a second recipient in the UnlockTickets.pl 
>>email-sending-section. But i didn't work. The system does not send _any_ 
>>eMail, if a ticket is unlocked by TimeOut.I think I'll redo that change ;-)
>Ok, if you do this this way, just change:
>            To => '[EMAIL PROTECTED], '.$UserData{UserEmail},
:-) Thats exatly what i did. I modified the History entry too...
My Problem is another one. The Tickets are not unlocked by the system. 
No Error Message, No History Entry, No Mail and the ticket keeps locked 
to the user. Configration is 5min as Timeout (no escalation time set) 
for the user queue.
BTW: How is the Unlock-Process activated. I wasn't able to find a crown 
job todo this..
Perhaps i produced an error which stops the whole process. I'll try my 
luck again tomorrow.

Have a nice rest
Hannes Lau

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