Hi Hannes,

On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 11:55:55PM +0200, Hannes Lau wrote:

> > [...]
> >PS: Use $OTRS_HOME/bin/Cron.sh {start|stop|restart} (as OTRS user) to
> >start/stop this cronjobs from var/cron/*. The SuSE and Red Hat rc-script 
> >is doing this automatically. 
> >
> I did that, but the probelm wasn't solved. I fixed a Syntax Error in my 
> additions and the problem wasn't solved.
> server:/opt/OpenTRS$ bin/UnlockTickets.pl --timeout
> returns
> UnlockTickets.pl <Revision 1.4> - unlock tickets
> Copyright (c) 2002 Martin Edenhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Unlock old tickets:
>        (in cleanup) Can't call method "disconnect" on an undefined 
> value at /opt/OpenTRS/bin/..//Kernel/System/DB.pm line 93 during global 
> destruction.

Update Kernel/System/DB.pm ( 
 ) and this message should go.

> and no tickets are unlocked. Perhaps I've got a problem escaping the @ 
> in the history-entry but i don't see this blocking the whole unlock 
> process.
> [...]
> HistoryComment => "Sent lock timeout notification to 
> '$UserData{UserEmail}','info\@domainname.com'.",
> [...]

This looks fine.

> Is there any other way of debugging? Could i send the return of cronjobs 
> call to a file? Perhaps by replacing
> >> /dev/null
> Is there a way to check if the crownjobs are run properly?

For debugging execute the cronjobs in the shell (without >> /dev/null). For 
UnlockTickets.pl debugging use "server:/opt/OpenTRS$ bin/UnlockTickets.pl --all".
If there is one locked ticket, it should be unlocked after this.

[00:52:48 martin@cuba]:~/src/otrs >bin/UnlockTickets.pl --all
UnlockTickets.pl <Revision 1.6> - unlock tickets
Copyright (c) 2002 Martin Edenhofer <martin otrs.org>
 Unlock all tickets:
 Unlocking ticket id 1000015 ... done.

To check if the cronjobs are running have a look into the log file where your
crond logs the events (e. g. /var/log/messages).

Oct  2 00:00:00 cuba /USR/SBIN/CRON[3912]: (otrs) CMD ($HOME/bin/UnlockTickets.pl 
--timeout >> /dev/null) 

PS: You can change the email address for the cronjobs in var/cron/aaa_base. If one 
cronjobs writes to STDERR this email address gets the error message (just errors!). 

If you remove ">> /dev/null" this email address gets the whole output of the 
cronjobs (useful for debugging).

> Greetings
> Hannes Lau


Martin Edenhofer - <martin at edenhofer.de> - http://martin.edenhofer.de/
Old programmers never die. They just branch to a new address.

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