Anyone got OTRS (RC2 or RC1) working under RH8 ?


The standard installation of rpm using INSTALL.Redhat instructions fails in several points:


-          rpm install fails because of dependencies check, although all the software needed is already installed by RH8 full install (perl, apache, mysqlclient10, etc):  temporary FIX:  rpm –i --nodeps

-          RH8 uses apache 2, so I manually edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf  and changed “Include /opt/otrs/scripts/apache2-httpd.include.conf”

- fails because Kernel/Modules/ tries to access “../../Kernel/” and should somehow access “/opt/otrs/Kernel/”

-          After making these changes the installer runs smoothly.

-          First Login using “root@localhost/root” fails with incorrect password !!!!!

-          Requesting a new password for “root@localhost” works fine, but after trying to login using the new password apache takes 99% of CPU and the index page does not arrive. After several minutes we need to restart httpd.  Under “/var/log/messages” I got:

…. OTRS-CGI-10[3900]: [Notice][Kernel::System::Auth::DB::Auth] User: root@localhost logged in (REMOTE_ADDR: …..

….. last message repeated 30 times


Any ideias on how to correct this ?


Thanks in advance

            Pedro Carvalho



Pedro Carvalho
Av. Casal Ribeiro, 18 -
1000-092 Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 351-0430 / Fax: +351 21 351-0420
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