Hi Dave,

On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 03:53:29PM -0700, Dave Hodson wrote:
> I'm an OTRS newbie (although I have read the manual :-))

Fine! :-)

> System works great, have one (hopefully) easy question - we'd like to 
> automatically assign an inbound email to a specific person.
> Today, we have an inbound email going to a specific queue and have a
> person that gets notified that there is a new ticket in that queue, but
> it is not assigned to them.
> I believe this is probably done with the GenericAgent, but cannot figure
> out the syntax.
> Any help appreciated.

Jepp it's normal that the ticket isn't assigned to an agent after creating.

But you can do this with GenericAgent. .-)

Try this job:

   # start job
   'lock tickets for <NEW_USER_LOGIN>' => {
      Queue => 'your queue',
      States => ['new'],
      Locks => ['unlock'],
      New => {
        Lock => 'lock',
        Owner => '<NEW_USER_LOGIN>',
   # stop job

> Dave


Martin Edenhofer - <martin at edenhofer.de> - http://martin.edenhofer.de/

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