Brian wrote:

Tyler Hepworth wrote:

On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 13:01:08 -0400, Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Strange question.. (seems very useful)

we are setting up otrs for a small company (we don't have the need to
have otrs open 24x7)  Is there a way to assign a message queue to an
email address?

So that say when sales gets a new message in the queue, that it would
send out an email to the person(s) responsible for the sales queue to
log in and work with the message?

Absolutely possible.  Have the agent(s) go into their preferences
section and subscribe to the queue(s) for which they desire to get
notifications.  Then choose to be of any of the following:

New tickets
Follow up
Ticket moved

This is the second part: subscribe to favorite groups and set the mail notifications (right resp. center column) in the users preferences. I guess, bcook is subscribed to raw and acook isn't, and all new tickets are created in queue raw.

But the real trick is to get the new tickets into the right queue, so
that your new tickets from mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] appear in your sales
Check the settings of your POP-account, if you fetch them by POP.
Check chapter 7 of the manual.


Tyler Hepworth

Ok well I think there might be a problem then.. b/c I've tried *everything* that I can think of.. and this just isn't working properly or I just don't understand what all the options mean (quite possibly)

I have a shiny new 1.3.1 setup, with one user 'bcook' that name is rw on admin, faq, stats, and users. There is also a group called 'sales group' of which bcook is not a part of.

There is a second user 'acook' that name is rw on admin, sales group and users. acook has nothing to do with faq or stats.

I have added a new queue of 'Sales' that has is a sub-queue of '-' (assuming not a sub queue), is in a group of 'sales group' unlock time is 0, escalation time is 0, follow up is possible, ticket after is No, system address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], default sign key is -none-, salutation is system standard (en), signature is system standard, Move notify is no, state notify is no, owner notify is no, valid is valid and comment is 'Sales Queue'

AutoResponses Queue:
autoresponses go towards the customer, not to the agent
the [EMAIL PROTECTED] is setup for all the default responses/replies.
[ Queue <-> Auto Response Management: Sales ]
Queue: Sales
Change setting - View Queue

* default reply (auto reply)
* default reject (auto reject)
* default follow up (auto follow up)
* default closed -> new ticket (auto reply/new ticket)
* default remove (auto remove)

Email Addresses:
Sales @ Valid Domain is [EMAIL PROTECTED] and the queue is Sales with the comment Sales Email.

Now here's the problem..

when someone sends an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] *bcook* gets a copy of it at the users email address *not* acook.

No matter what I do I canot get *bcook* to *not* get a copy of sales, and I cannot get the users in the Sales Group *to* get a copy of it.


Suggestions are appreciated.

- Brian


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