
remi schrieb:
Hi there,

I'm using OTRS for about a week now. So far I like it a lot. I'm
planning to implement the software on our help desk in the coming
days. I'd appreciate some help with these issues I'm running into.

I'm using ORTS 2.1.3 on Linux.

1) GenericAgent in the Webinterface
How do I define a job that is not automatically scheduled? When I do
not enter a schedule (default blank) it runs every 10 minutes. (I
suppose the cron is running at this interval. Is this suppose to
work this way?

You're right. Defining no time means always execute the job. Perhaps this behaviour should be changed in future releases.

You can set the jobs you wan't to execute manually to "invalid".
Or define you job within an extra generic-agent-config-file (not within the gui) and execute the generic agent with the use of the extra file in the shell.

2) Then the Times option, same interface.
It says: 'Ticket created before X days'. I expect it to get tickets
that are created more than, say, 2 days ago. When the job runs, it
seems to ignore this option since all mails get filtered. What could
be wrong here?

Don't know. Perhaps be more specific.

3) Filters
What is the difference in using 'PostMaster Filter' in the web
interface, and creating filters in the Config.pm?

Is there some info available on how exactly they work? Are they
exact matches, etc.

I'm having some trouble using the filters.. For example:

I have a filter that mail from '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' places in queue
'queue1'. This works.
Another filter places mail from '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' in queue
'anotherqueue'. This also works.
Finally I have a filter that filters out SPAM to the junk queue.
This works if mail was sent to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.

Problem is: SPAM mail sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is not matched as spam but placed in 'queue1' of

I tried to play with the order of the filter in the Config.pm file,
but that did not do the trick.

Filters used:
    $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'queue1'} = {
        Module => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::Match',
        Match => {
            To => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
        Set => {
            'X-OTRS-Queue' => 'queue1',
And another one like this, for 'anotherqueue'.

    $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'spam'} = {
        Module => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::Match',
        Match => {
            #Subject => '[SPAM?]',
            'X-server-MailScanner-SpamScore' => 's',
        Set => {
            'X-OTRS-Queue' => 'junk',
            'X-OTRS-Priority' => '1 very low',
            'X-OTRS-State' => 'open',

How to catch SPAM mail send to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The filters are applied in alphabetic order - rename your filters e.g. by prefixing numbers.

Is there a way to use 'not' in the match?

Yes, but only within a regex.
I use


to match all adresses NOT from @augsburg.de
(isn't this regex horrible).

Then I could use 'from [EMAIL PROTECTED]' AND NOT spam.

Thanks for your help!


Bye, Alex
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