I am having an issue with file permissions for OTRS 2.1.7. I have run the 
SetPermissions.sh file before and after I received the permission errors. The 
two areas I have noticed so far are the SysConfig and Package Manager. The 
SysConfig error is below:

Message: Can't write /opt/carms-utils/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/ZZZAAuto.pm: 
Permission denied.


The Package Manager error is not helpful. It simply states I don't have write 
permissions on OTRS home and should run SetPermissions.sh and as I stated 
before running SetPermissions.sh has had no effect.


I checked the permissions on ZZZAAuto.pm and it is set to 664. I changed the 
permissions to 666 and the SysConfig section worked fine. The problem is, as 
far as I can tell using the permissions 664 for ZZZAAuton.pm should work. My 
only guess is that perl is running under a different user other then the one 
that is run my webserver, otrs, or perl.


Does anyone have any suggestions? I am at a loss as to why this does not work. 
Does anyone know how to find out which user is running perl? This would allow 
me to find out if that user applies to the other category in the file 
permissions and would then be denied access.


Thanks for any help offered.


Dan King
Software Developer
Canadian Resident Matching Service
613.237.0075  ext. 241
(Toll free) 877.CARMS.42
171 Nepean Street, Suite 300
Ottawa, ON, CAN    K2P 0B4
www.carms.ca <http://www.carms.ca> 


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