Hi there

I'm a bit new to the whole OTRS thingy and so far I really enjoy it. I've been using RT for a couple of years now, so my whole experience of issue tracking systems are based on this. That's why I try to imitate RT as good as I can (especially for my agents, who are used to RT).

So, I have a few issues. First, I'm trying to change the ticket numbering system from the default one. I tried looking in SysConfig and alter the TicketNumbering there to AutoIncrement and then set the MinCounterSize to 1, I see the changes being applied there, but not in the functionality of the site. I then had to go in manually and set this in Ticket.pm and then it -nearly- worked. Instead of getting ticket id 1 I got 101.

hobbiton:~# cat /var/lib/otrs/log/TicketCounter.log

hobbiton:~# grep NumberGenerator /usr/share/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/Ticket.pm $Self->{'Ticket::NumberGenerator'} = Kernel::System::Ticket::Number::AutoIncrement';
    $Self->{'Ticket::NumberGenerator::MinCounterSize'} = 1;

I know I shouldn't have changed /usr/share/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/Ticket.pm directly, but at least that worked better than SysConfig in the web panel.

Another "problem" I have is that customers are sent an notification when a new ticket is created using the "Phone-Ticket" option. I don't want that. I want the ticket that gets created as a Phone-Ticket to be an internal note, or at least the ability to be able to tag it as one. Is this possible?

My last question stems from my previous experience with RT, I want those custom fields. I know they aren't implemented in the current version of OTRS, but is this at all planned for future releases?

Great thanks in advance!

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