I want to give users of my OTRS (agents) to work partially with OTRS without web
interface. Now I have:

1. Customer writes email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] This address is used for OTRS,
so new ticket created and agents informed by email about that new ticket,
including content of customer's message.

2. Agent press "Reply" button in his mail user agent and writes answer to

But OTRS embraces that agent's answer as CUSTOMER's message, not as agent's note
or agent's answer. Can I change that behaviour? Can I configure OTRS so it'll
treat agent's reply to notification message as an internal note?

Sincerely yours,
Oleg Polovinkin                       o.polovinkin<at>optima<dot>ua
Billing Dept, Optima Telecom
Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
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