I've been trying to upgrade a very old installation 1.3 to the latest version:

ubuntu 6.06

I've installed with apt-get 

all the perl modules required from checkmodules, some by apt-get, some directly 
from CPAN

I've copied the database from the old server to the new one and the run all sql 
scripts to upgrade the schema from 1.3 to 2.2 from within webmin interface

I had article storage on FS and I've not copied file yet as it's 30GB of files.

I've tried to test the new interface and I can login and see all the queues and 
ticket but when the agent view is displayed, it takes about 17 sec to display 
the page

I've tried to enable logging of slow query but without success
In top i can see that index.pl takes lot of cpu but I can't understand why

p.s. the ubuntu machine is running on a vmware machine with 1 GB memory and I 
can see at least 20% memory is still free when index.pl is runing

Any idea?

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