
i would suggest when the registration is ok of the channel, to put up some sort 
of eggdrop or something wich keeps logs of de conversations and can automagicly 
post them to the web/mailinglist. this also is maintanance/protection for the 
channel. to create a botnet i have some server hangin around that are idle with 
cpu and some bandwith.. :-) just drop me a note 

----- "John Teddy" wrote: 

So I looked around for an irc channel for otrs, and the only thing I could find 
was some wikimedia channel which uses otrs, but they don't like to talk about 
otrs, they only talk about wikimedia issues. 

> So I decided to dedicate myself to months of idling in #otrs on 
> irc.freenode.net with screen/ssh/irssi, everyone else is welcome to join me. 
> Can talk about otrs end-user stuff, management, dev, whatever. I just thought 
> it would be nice to have an irc channel as well, and not just mailing list. 
> Some wikipedia developer has registered #otrs but freenode staff will allow 
> re-registration if someone from otrs wants to contact them. 
> Hope to see lurkers/others there. 
> Cheers, 
> John 
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