> We have been happily using OTRS 1.3.1 on Suse 9 since 2005 and it has
> been working flawlessly (I know v1.3.1 is very old but works the way we
> want it so there has never been an incentive to upgrade!) .
> A feature we use is FreeText fields which we pre-fill using an sql
> statement in a Perl script that is run when an new ticket with a keyword
> in its subject field is automatically moved to a certain queue.

This is interesting, can you explain how have you done it?

> This brings me to thinking about upgrading as our system is old but we
> only have our working system and we have no backup system that I can
> test a upgrade on. Also, I have inherited the OTRS system so I do not
> know much about it.

The upgrade process is straighforward unless you have customized otrs
modifying PM files. You can do a test upgrade during your off-peak times
by backing up your DB and backing up the entire OTRS directory. Just
remember to "suspend" getting email from your incoming otrs mail account
, aka comment out a cron job: this way if something goes wrong, at least
you can restore your previous OTRS without loosing any regular email.
Otherwise you can temporarily change your OTRS email (from OTRS
configuration) to a new account, just for testing incoming emails, so
your original mailbox will be left untouched in case of rollback.

We had some problems regarding the DB upgrade but we switched from MSSQL
to MYSQL during the process, so if you already are on mysql you should
experience no problems.

> Question:
> From reading the various documents it seems that the process of
> upgrading OTRS must be done in steps. Am I correct in that I cannot go
> from version 1.3.1 straight to the present version but must do it in
> steps. If I am correct, what steps must be taken to get up to the
> current version of OTRS?

The steps involve upgrading the database by using the provided scripts
in the tar.gz you downloaded and replace OTRS files. The rest of OTRS
(PM configuration) can be imported, if I remember well. Maybe docs or
other people can help you better than me for this part.

> Question:
> Reading the UPGRADING file that came with version 1.3.1 (I see that it
> is present in every subsequent release) one of its points says "Backup
> everything (database, Kernel/, Kernel/Config/,
> var/*)".
> I can backup the files and directories mentioned but is there any
> documentation of how to backup the MySQL database as I have little
> experience with it?

For mysql just do from shell:
$ mysqldump otrsdbname >otrsdump.sql

Then backup the entire OTRS directory.

The mysql documentation is your friend:

Stefano Coletta

Unidata S.p.a.
Via Portuense, 1555 - 00143 Roma
Commercity - Modulo M25
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