Hello all

To find out how I could change the time interval OTRS uses to check an
external account for email, I did an online search found a reference to a
default setting for this to be 10 minutes and this seems to be correct with
how it seems to be happening in my OTRS system.  Note: the online references
I found were pop3 polling

Based on what I found on the web I went into the "SysConfig" within "Misc",
did a search for IMAP which brought up "Core:Postmaster". In this I I see a
entry/setting for "PostmasterReconnectMessage:"  The configurable setting in
here was defaulted to 20 (and not ten).  I changed it to 1 even though the
description of this setting was "The "bin/PostMasterMailaccount.pl" will
reconnect to POP3/POP3S/IMAP/IMAPS host after the specified count of

This did not seem to be what I wanted to do according to the description
(I'm not looking to change by message count), but based on what I found this
seemed to be where people were being pointed to with regards to changing
time the interval.................or maybe I just misunderstood what I

After the change from 20 to 1 and selecting the "Update" button, I sent some
test emails and it still took about 10 minutes before the emails showed up
as tickets in OTRS.

So the question is, in OTRS how do I change the time interval that OTRS uses
to check an external Google Apps account for emails via IMAPS to be pulled
into the OTRS system.  Is this something I need to instead look into
changing in fetchmail, if so please provide details (I'm very new to OTRS
and Linux/Unix)?

Jack Blalock
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