Hi ,

I try to backup the OTRS database with the script backup.pl
But I get the following error:

C:\Program Files\OTRS\StrawberryPerl\perl\bin>perl "c:\Program
Files\OTRS\OTRS\scripts\backup.pl" -d c:\backup_OTRS
'which' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
ERROR: Can't locate cp!

- What do I wrong here?
- What is the best way to backup the OTRS database?

Thanks and Best Regards,
 <<OTRS backup error.txt>> 

Jurjen Verhoeff
    Beckhoff.nl / IAL
    phone: 023 518 5140
    fax: 023 518 5141

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C:\Program Files\OTRS\StrawberryPerl\perl\bin>dir
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 4419-0592

 Directory of C:\Program Files\OTRS\StrawberryPerl\perl\bin

24-03-2010  09:53    <DIR>          .
24-03-2010  09:53    <DIR>          ..
30-07-2009  01:49           103.936 a2p.exe
11-07-2009  11:29             5.287 bdf2gdfont.bat
11-07-2009  11:29             4.869 bdf2gdfont.pl
30-07-2009  04:05            38.417 c2ph.bat
26-02-2009  17:22             7.411 config_data
26-02-2009  17:22             7.829 config_data.bat
30-07-2009  02:39             6.423 corelist
30-07-2009  04:05             7.135 corelist.bat
30-07-2009  02:23            11.746 cpan
30-07-2009  04:05            12.653 cpan.bat
30-07-2009  02:30            22.316 cpan2dist
30-07-2009  04:05            23.427 cpan2dist.bat
30-07-2009  03:54             7.252 cpandb
30-07-2009  04:05             7.692 cpandb.bat
30-07-2009  03:42             2.944 cpaninject
30-07-2009  04:05             3.521 cpaninject.bat
30-07-2009  02:30             3.305 cpanp
30-07-2009  02:30               443 cpanp-run-perl
30-07-2009  04:05               901 cpanp-run-perl.bat
30-07-2009  04:05             3.849 cpanp.bat
30-07-2009  02:20               709 crc32
30-07-2009  04:05             1.180 crc32.bat
30-07-2009  03:48             1.421 dbilogstrip
30-07-2009  04:05             1.861 dbilogstrip.bat
30-07-2009  03:48             6.469 dbiprof
30-07-2009  04:05             6.909 dbiprof.bat
30-07-2009  03:48             5.572 dbiproxy
30-07-2009  04:05             6.012 dbiproxy.bat
30-07-2009  04:05            25.431 dprofpp.bat
30-07-2009  02:35            39.054 enc2xs
30-07-2009  04:05            40.901 enc2xs.bat
30-07-2009  04:05             3.287 exetype.bat
30-07-2009  04:05             3.053 exe_update.bat
30-07-2009  03:00             2.515 exe_update.pl
30-07-2009  04:05            25.467 find2perl.bat
30-07-2009  03:36             3.483 findrule
30-07-2009  04:05             3.923 findrule.bat
30-07-2009  04:05            28.749 h2ph.bat
30-07-2009  04:05            62.822 h2xs.bat
30-07-2009  02:12             4.160 instmodsh
30-07-2009  04:05             4.792 instmodsh.bat
18-10-2005  05:59             3.628 ipcount
26-02-2008  23:50             4.189 ipcount.bat
14-10-2002  05:05               888 iptab
26-02-2008  23:50             1.364 iptab.bat
30-07-2009  03:58             4.308 json_xs
30-07-2009  04:05             4.927 json_xs.bat
05-06-2007  15:23           151.552 libexpat.dll
05-06-2007  15:23           151.552 libexpatw.dll
30-07-2009  04:05            16.894 libnetcfg.bat
30-07-2009  02:25             7.993 lwp-download
30-07-2009  04:05             8.753 lwp-download.bat
30-07-2009  02:25             2.520 lwp-dump
30-07-2009  04:05             3.067 lwp-dump.bat
30-07-2009  02:25             2.302 lwp-mirror
30-07-2009  04:05             2.845 lwp-mirror.bat
30-07-2009  02:25            14.432 lwp-request
30-07-2009  04:05            15.403 lwp-request.bat
30-07-2009  02:25            14.975 lwp-rget
30-07-2009  04:05            16.022 lwp-rget.bat
30-07-2009  04:03             1.879 minicpan
30-07-2009  04:05             2.387 minicpan.bat
30-07-2009  03:13             3.439 parinstallppd
30-07-2009  04:05             4.003 parinstallppd.bat
30-07-2009  01:48             9.216 perl.exe
30-07-2009  01:48             9.216 perl5.10.0.exe
30-07-2009  01:48         1.312.768 perl510.dll
30-07-2009  04:05            39.764 perlbug.bat
30-07-2009  02:41               118 perldoc
30-07-2009  04:05               565 perldoc.bat
30-07-2009  04:05             1.664 perlglob.bat
30-07-2009  01:43             6.144 perlglob.exe
30-07-2009  04:05            13.185 perlivp.bat
30-07-2009  02:35             7.244 piconv
30-07-2009  04:05             7.983 piconv.bat
30-07-2009  03:46               260 pip
30-07-2009  04:05               723 pip.bat
30-07-2009  04:05            13.689 pl2bat.bat
30-07-2009  04:05             5.358 pl2pm.bat
30-07-2009  03:45               536 pler
30-07-2009  04:05             1.002 pler.bat
30-07-2009  04:05             2.931 pod2html.bat
30-07-2009  04:05            11.086 pod2latex.bat
30-07-2009  02:50            21.732 pod2man
30-07-2009  04:05            22.172 pod2man.bat
30-07-2009  02:50             9.362 pod2text
30-07-2009  04:05             9.802 pod2text.bat
30-07-2009  02:41             3.474 pod2usage
30-07-2009  04:05             3.914 pod2usage.bat
30-07-2009  02:41             3.835 podchecker
30-07-2009  04:05             4.275 podchecker.bat
30-07-2009  02:41             2.622 podselect
30-07-2009  04:05             3.062 podselect.bat
30-07-2009  03:12             4.757 ppd2par
30-07-2009  04:05             5.364 ppd2par.bat
30-07-2009  04:05            36.302 ppm.bat
30-07-2009  03:30            34.812 ppm.pl
30-07-2009  02:13             9.669 prove
30-07-2009  04:05            10.109 prove.bat
30-07-2009  04:05            55.785 psed.bat
30-07-2009  04:05            38.417 pstruct.bat
30-07-2009  02:20             2.695 ptar
30-07-2009  04:05             3.249 ptar.bat
30-07-2009  02:20             2.421 ptardiff
30-07-2009  04:05             2.973 ptardiff.bat
30-07-2009  02:19             2.085 pwhich
30-07-2009  04:05             2.626 pwhich.bat
30-07-2009  04:05             2.456 runperl.bat
30-07-2009  04:05            55.785 s2p.bat
30-07-2009  04:05            57.052 search.bat
30-07-2009  02:22             7.562 shasum
30-07-2009  04:05             8.270 shasum.bat
10-01-2008  14:42             3.294 SOAPsh.bat
01-11-2002  15:53             2.876 SOAPsh.pl
30-07-2009  04:05            18.550 splain.bat
10-01-2008  14:42             3.961 stubmaker.bat
30-03-2005  11:58             3.543 stubmaker.pl
30-07-2009  01:48             9.216 wperl.exe
10-01-2008  14:42             3.296 XMLRPCsh.bat
01-11-2002  15:53             2.878 XMLRPCsh.pl
30-07-2009  04:05             4.701 xsubpp.bat
             121 File(s)      2.920.854 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  53.447.757.824 bytes free

C:\Program Files\OTRS\StrawberryPerl\perl\bin>perl "c:\Program Files\OTRS\OTRS\s
cripts\backup.pl" -d c:\backup_OTRS
'which' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
ERROR: Can't locate cp!

C:\Program Files\OTRS\StrawberryPerl\perl\bin>
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