I wish I didn't post that before. It's very wrong to do and I'd like to take
it back. It would have been better to check the AutoIncrement code first.
Even if the concept was correct, it's never a good idea to mass update like
that as it could affect ticket_history somehow. However, I thought it was
reasonable to consider because the ticket number (if I read the schema
properly) really only mattered in the ticket table.

The problem will come when an email response to an existing ticket isn't
properly handled and possibly (?) creates a new ticket. As long as/if
AutoIncrement treats the ticket number as identical no matter how many
leading zeros, this probably shouldn't be a problem. Of course, I should
have tested, first.

It was improper to present that as a suggestion on this type of list, and I
regret posting it, even if it could help.

Gerald Young
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