
 I'd like to know if I can configure an association btw a Change Request and
a Service.

 I have the goal to manage some SLA on Change Request monthly rate for a

 My assumptions (reading the documentation) are :

 a) I can define a Service (say service A)

 b) I can define a SLA (say SLA B) and link it to service A

 c) After that I can link any ticket to service having an automatic SLA
calculation using statistic module

 If above assumption are corrected, I'd like to modify point c) linking
every change request  created to service A and calculate the SLA on change
final 'successful' status (or other  significat status)

 Unfortunately the 'link' function of Change Request, doesn't show 'Service'
as option, so I'll try to find how to configure this option by means of
sysConfig options.

 I found into 'Framework -> Core::LinkObject' one opportunity, adding to
PossibleLink###3420  additional relationship btw ITSMChange and Service,
similar to relationship btw ITSMWorkorder and Service.

 Is this approach correct  ? If doesn't there is an alternative to meet my


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