
On 15.02.2017 10:08, lg.yue wrote:
Hi, everyone:

一. after i change ovn/ovn-[sn]b.ovsschema,  how to apply the changes?
makefile compiles ovn/ovn-[sn]b.ovsschema to
ovn/lib/ovn-[s,n]b-idl.ovsidl, i can not  find anyone use
As the name suggests, *.ovsschema defines schema only. You still need to write code which uses your new tables. It should be possible to fill them with ovs-vsctl, but without something reading them, this would be dead data.

二. lets take sb for example.
 ovsdb-server --detach --monitor -vconsole:off
--remote=db:OVN_Southbound,SB_Global,connections --unixctl=ovnsb_db.ctl
--ca-cert=db:OVN_Southbound,SSL,ca_cert /var/lib/openvswitch/ovnsb_db.db
    1. who launches the ovsdb-server process?  and when?
Usually this happens from the init scripts. The real machinery is under ${PREFIX}/share/openvswitch/scripts.

    2. how  /var/lib/openvswitch/ovnsb_db.db is created?
You can use ovsdb-tool create, see INSTALL.md. ovn-ctl script called from init scripts should handle this automatically.

    3. 'ovn-sbctl set-connection ptp:6642'  how this instruction
associates port 6642 with ovsdb-server (please tell the source code)
三. supported the new db is created, whether  or not i need to code c
funtion  like sbrec_idl_class in ovn/lib/ovn-sb-idl.c
This is basically a compiled schema definition. You should start at ovn/utilities/ovn-sbctl.c

 too many questions, please help me figure it out.
thanks very much
Just don't forget to consult the documentation, some of your questions are already answered there ;-)


At 2017-02-14 21:15:42, "Valentine Sinitsyn" <valentine.sinit...@gmail.com> 

Look at ovn/ovn-[sn]b.ovsschema. It's JSON. You'll also need to update
the documentation and the cksum; make explains how to do it.

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