There is an excellent list here
<>. These
are general software developers books, some are classics and most are very
worthwhile. They cover lots of the bits that turn a good developer into a
great developer (even, dare I say it, a craftsman).

There are also lots of great kata sites, usually with people posting their
answers. Looking through their code is another great way of exploring what
makes good code, what is readable, understandable and works.

It's been a while since I read a C# book (and much longer since I read a
VB.NET one), so I can't help you with specific language books. But if you
are competent with the language, there are many site with videos of people
coding that provide interesting tips/approaches. My current favourite is this
one <> - it is C#
using test-driven development to create a chess game in C#. So far it is up
to episode 22. The first episode is a blog post with code, the rest are
posts and videos.

Anyway, hope that helps.


On 3 December 2014 at 20:42, Tom P <> wrote:

> Hi
> What are some must read books for a newbie .NET developer? There are so
> many so I thought I'd ask the experienced folk here.
> Thanks
> Tom

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