I went to the nsbasic website, but lost interest when I saw that it had a 100K runtime.

--On Tuesday, December 10, 2002 1:15 PM -0700 Dustin Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There's no reason to take it off-line. You can't convince me that it is
fast  or that the run-time is small, so there is nothing else really to
talk about.  I know I'm not using the latest generation of Palm, I
currently have a Palm  IIIc which isn't quite a dinosaur yet. Most of the
people using my programs I  would guess are using older palms as well.

Here is the link to the Pascal compiler I mentioned earlier.

I've run some apps created with it and the programs seem to run as fast
as  those created in C, and the .prc files are small. It's been a few
years since  I would guess this is a great choice for Delphi

>> Let's take this offline. If anyone in the group wants to keep
>> following this thread, email me and I'll cc you.
> Don't run away now, George, it was just getting interesting.
> Please do CC me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> :-)

If I was running away, I wouldn't have invited you to follow. :-)

I'll forward you the thread.

George Henne
NS BASIC Corporation
Dustin Davis

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