Is there a v5.0-RC tag in the Paraview superbuild?

Rick Angelini
USArmy Research Laboratory
CISD/HPC Architectures Team
Phone:  410-278-6266

-----Original Message-----
From: ParaView <> on behalf of Rick Angelini
Date: Friday, January 8, 2016 at 3:40 PM
To: Utkarsh Ayachit <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: [Paraview] [Non-DoD Source] Re:  PV 4.4.0 crashing issue

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Yep - I think so - I’ll keep an eye out for the production release of 5.0

Rick Angelini
USArmy Research Laboratory
CISD/HPC Architectures Team
Phone:  410-278-6266

-----Original Message-----
From: Utkarsh Ayachit <>
Date: Friday, January 8, 2016 at 3:35 PM
To: Rick Angelini <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [Paraview] PV 4.4.0 crashing issue

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That sounds like this bug:
It was fixed 5.0.0.


On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 3:31 PM, Angelini, Richard C (Rick) CIV USARMY
RDECOM ARL (US) <> wrote:
> In my original message, I attached the wrong cmake command - I’m not
> qt5 on  my Linux release of PV 4.4.0.
> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=~/paraview/${version} \
> -Ddownload_location=`pwd`/../Downloads \
> -DParaView_FROM_GIT=OFF \
> -DParaView_URL=`pwd`/../Downloads/ParaView-v4.3.1-source.tar.gz \
> -DENABLE_visitbridge:BOOL=ON \
> -DENABLE_cgns=ON \
> -DENABLE_boost=ON \
> -DENABLE_ffmpeg=ON \
> -DENABLE_hdf5=ON \
> -DENABLE_matplotlib=ON \
> -DENABLE_mesa=OFF \
> -DENABLE_mpi=ON \
> -DENABLE_numpy=ON \
> -DENABLE_paraview=ON \
> -DENABLE_python=ON \
> -DENABLE_qt=ON \
> -DENABLE_silo=ON \
> -DENABLE_szip=ON \
> -DUSE_SYSTEM_mpi=OFF ../Source
> make -j 8 install
> ________________________________
> Rick Angelini
> USArmy Research Laboratory
> CISD/HPC Architectures Team
> Phone:  410-278-6266
> From: Rick Angelini <>
> Date: Friday, January 8, 2016 at 3:20 PM
> To: "" <>
> Subject: PV 4.4.0 crashing issue
> I’m finding an issue with the production release of PV 4.4.0 …. I can
> consistently make a client-server connection crash by loading up either
> Exodus or CTH dataset and through some combination of quick left-right
> clicks, or double-right mouse clicks in the graphics window,  I can shut
> things down.  I’m only seeing this on Linux clients – I cannot duplicate
> running PV 4.4.0 on a Mac.       See attached screenshot.   I’ve been
> to duplicate this behavior on many different datasets of CTH/Exodus
> but I suspect this is a GUI interaction issue, not a data issue.
> I’ve sent this on both standard RHEL5 and RHEL5 Linux workstations – I’ve
> tried recompiling the client using the super build script, but doesn’t
> to make much any difference.    Any ideas?
> which cmake
> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=~/paraview/${version} \
> -Ddownload_location=`pwd`/../Downloads \
> \
> -DENABLE_visitbridge:BOOL=ON \
> -DENABLE_cgns=ON \
> -DENABLE_boost=ON \
> -DENABLE_ffmpeg=ON \
> -DENABLE_hdf5=ON \
> -DENABLE_matplotlib=ON \
> -DENABLE_mesa=OFF \
> -DENABLE_mpi=ON \
> -DENABLE_numpy=ON \
> -DENABLE_paraview=ON \
> -DENABLE_python=ON \
> -DENABLE_qt5=ON \
> -DENABLE_silo=ON \
> -DENABLE_szip=ON \
> -DUSE_SYSTEM_mpi=OFF ../Source
> make -j 8 install
> ________________________________
> Rick Angelini
> USArmy Research Laboratory
> CISD/HPC Architectures Team
> Phone:  410-278-6266
> _______________________________________________
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