Yes, Clint, you did tell me that some time back (sorry, I forgot). However, Peter's asking me for the product information put me on another search and I find that Symantec is pre-instaled on the system (at least, that's the way I read it). See the product specifications page: or

It does mention, "HP Partner offers... Symantec Security Connection..." What with AVG, ZoneAlarm, Ad-aware, Spybot, CWShredder, and a few others, I'll pass on this Symantic and out it goes ... unless you think it necessary. And thanks for the Erunt lead. I agree that exporting (backing up) the entire registry doesn't always work. Usually I would just export one key when necessary. Regarding XP's System Restore ponts, maybe you're right. I'm downloading Erunt --- Harold

There are no pre-installed Symantec products to my knowledge with any Windows OS. The exceptions would be those crappy "Restore CD's" you get with name brand PC's that aren't really an OS. They may have a Symantec product bundled product on them. AdAware has nothing to do with Symantec. All Windows OS's come with thousands of images. Some are not needed, like the obvious in My Pictures and the like, and in the Wallpaper folder (if you don't use wallpaper). The rest are going to be needed for various Windows' programs' GUI interfaces. They are NOT just jpg's, they are in ALL image formats: jpg, gif, png, bmp, ico, etc.

When you don't know what something is, just look it up. ... Remember I told you that XP's System Restore is VERY lacking. It does NOT actually restore everything on your PC it SHOULD restore. Don't rely on it. You need ERUNT for that. See last paragraph here: ... - -Clint
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