Subject: Re: PCWorks: Double spacing in posting

All right, I follow what you are saying now, and copying from MSWord is out. I'm not doing it here and didn't in my last posting (Notepad+ etc). I do get the digest PCWorks and sometimes it seemed easier to just copy the thread and make whatever response in MSWord first. Or I would use Word just to initiate a question if I thought it would be a lenghty one. Now I'll know better. And using the

MSword??? Geeeze, what on Earth are you doing?? See my last post on how to reply to posts. In addition to what I said in it, like I said above, regardless of what you do to posts font or style wise, it's not going to matter because this list converts all email formatting to default plain text. You can't copy 'n paste ANYTHING from ANYWHERE (other than a Notepad type program) because everywhere else has formatting. Even in plain text mode emails, OE on XP is stupid and WILL show HTML formatting even in plain text posts WHILE you are composing! Don't ask me why.

Word, WordPad, MSword, etc, all have certain kinds "formatting" so you cannot take something from them and paste it into a plain text email in OE on XP and expect it to look anything like the original after it's posted. I've also mentioned to you before to X out of the email so it goes in your Drafts, then just LOOK at it and then you'll see how it's going to look. Then you can open it from the Drafts and re-do the text in it. Or, toggle between plain text and rich text, then back to plain text again in the email to remove all formatting. Of course if your replying to all posts IN HTML format, and sending them **IN** HTML format, that's another story....just don't do that.Or, best yet, like I alluded to in my other email, just "Reply" to the post and let 'er rip! - -Clint
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