Mike McGonagle hat gesagt: // Mike McGonagle wrote:

> Hum, Thanks for this Frank. One question though, as it appears from what is
> in the docs (all the numbers are "doubled", ie 1 = 0x11, a = 0xaa, etc.), do
> these colors represent what you would get from the colors that get stored in
> the Pd file? 

You mean in the README.txt of colorscheme? My remark there about
"doubled" refers to hexcolors as used in HTML/CSS, where instead of
the full 6-digit list to specify a color (as in "#ff00ee") you can
also use a 3-digit list if you only have "doubles" (as in "#f0e"). Of
course, values with all different digits like "#123456" cannot be
collapsed this way, as #rgb doesn't have the depth for this.

Some of these collapsed colors were called "Web-Safe" colors in the
old days (cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors) 

In the colorscheme I used the shorter triplets to make the already
long lists for foreground, background and label colors of IEM-GUIs
three times shorter: the full colorset for a [vsl] now is only 9
instead of 27 values long. 

This has no connection to what's in the .pd-file. IEMGUIs can also
display #rrggbb-colors, IIRC.

 Frank Barknecht                                     _ ______footils.org__

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