That sounds good. What do you think Christof? Do you think it would alter any 
of the default behavior? I have to run so I can't look into this more until 
later today.

> it's easy: AI_ALL and AI_V4MAPPED are only available since Windows Vista.
> the default settings compile for Windows2000 (or so).
> to compile for windows vista (and aboce), use the following macros
> (preferably in the Makefile):
>> -DWINVER=0x0600 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600
> (this is already done in the autotools-Makefile; but afaik not in the
> src/makefile.mingw)
> alternatively (and probably additionally), the use of these macros
> should probably be protected by ifdef clauses.
> in iemnet (which has backported some of the new code from s_net.c) i use:
> ~~~
>  hints.ai_flags |= AI_PASSIVE
> #ifdef AI_ALL
>    | AI_ALL     /* both IPv4 and IPv6 addrs */
> #endif
> #ifdef AI_V4MAPPED
>    | AI_V4MAPPED /* fallback to IPv4-mapped IPv6 addrs */
> #endif
>    | 0;
> ~~~

Dan Wilcox
@danomatika <> <> <>

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