On Mon, 2006-11-27 at 20:10 +0100, cyrille henry wrote:

> Roman Haefeli a écrit :
> > running fgl_glxgears gives
> > me values between 440 and 450 frames per second, which makes me assume,
> > that hardware accelerated opengl works on my computer.

> you should have 10 time more with this card.

no, i don't think so. it makes a difference between running fgl_glxgears
and the 'normal' glxgears, since the former is much more complex than
the latter. also it depends on the window size you are rendering at (and
if the window is (partially) hidden by another window etc.). 

values on my computer (with original window size):

glxgears -printfps: ~2200
fgl_glxgears:       ~450

i know, that this is not a serious way of benchmarking, but at least
these values make me believe, that hardware acceleration works. or am i


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